Trip to France - 2009

Trip to France - 2009

From left to right :
M. Alain Blot, Mayor of Maulais; M. Jean-Marie Germe who discovered our ancestor's place of birth in 1992; Mrs. Louise Lapointe, president of the Association des descendants de Nicolas Audet dit Lapointe; M. Gaston Audet-Lapointe founding president of our Association; and M. Guy St-Hilaire, historian et Certified Master Genealogist of our Association.

Commemorative Plaque


  • 8 may 2009 : Departure
  • 9 may: Paris (Roissy), Chartres, Alençon
  • 10 may: Tourouvre, Mortagne-au-perche, Honfleur
  • 11 may: Honfleur, Juno Beach, Bény-sur-Mer, St-Malo
  • 12 may: St-Malo, Rotheneuf, Mont St-Michel
  • 13 may: Nantes
  • 14 may: Brouage (Champlain's birth place), Fort Boyard
  • 15 may: St-Martin de Ré, Parthenay
  • 16 may: Maulais (Nicolas Audet's birth place), Taizé
  • 17 may: Tours
  • 18 may: Chenonceaux
  • 19 may: Paris, Versailles
  • 20 may: Paris (Free day)
  • 21 may: Return

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Trip's Photos

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"Nicolas et Magdeleine" Special Newsletter # 21

The information above, including the diagram of the journey and the color photos, are a supplement to the detailed information provided in the report on our travel to France found in our ADNAL Newsletter.  Please read Newsletter #21, which was mailed to you, or download the newsletter by accessing the Members' section.

Newsletter #21 - Click and enter your username and password